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IPCTA 2012 Visit GAMA


  The GAMASRL Visit

  Gai Yan jiao(HUC)/Gao Ming yue(ZUST)喷绘机

  After four wonderful days we spent in Italy. We went to visit GAMASRL Company on November 15th which is the fourth lego four visit toItaly.It is are latively small company and we arrived at 10a.m.The company is full of the experience in the construction of electronice quipment for the industrial process control in the graphic field.It build select ronic equipment with advanced technology for application in the paper field and we had learn talot about ink control industry during the comment.柔印

  The person in charge of the GAMASRL company introduced the company‘s products其他,production processes,as well as the client terminal services.In order to allow us to understand the technical terms more thoroughly,they described the products with the actual models together.The narrator showed us the products they research and development.The types of machine used for stickers,glue and forfluids with high vis cosity are VIS-G23,G25中国印刷企业强,and G26.There are also some machines for other uses such as the GDN-G35 that used for web guider for a contrastor a printed line.洗涤用品包装

  The company responsible person use the vis cometer VIS-G25-LCD as the example,telling the vis cometer work process and compared with others.They Detailed introduce latest product VIS-G26,Vis cometeris in the printing ink of micro-processing controller,used to adjust the printing ink vis cosity,constant vis cosity measurement.版式设计

  GMAMSRL——vis cometers and electronic equipment with advanced technology for applications in the paper field.个性化印刷

  During the visit to the product components酒品包装,the company arranged a interpreter with us,The most unforgettable thing is that the hospitality of the company responsible person. We notonly learned something about machines but also had a very happy noon day.CTP



总访问量:60666 更新时间:2012-11-30 08:37:59

简介:北京印刷学院副教授,毕业于西安理工大学。1994年5月至今北京印刷学院任教;2000-2001年在德国斯图加特媒体大学做科技合作者。ISO TC130注册专家,ISOTC130 WG12组长,SAC/TC170委员,编译《柔性版印刷原理与实践》,编著“十一五”国家规划教材 《印刷品质量检测与控制》、主编教指委行业规划教材 《印刷质量控制》、《印刷原理与工艺》、副主编“十五”国家规划教材《包装印刷与印后加工》、“十一五”国家规划教材《印后加工》等。参与《印刷技术 术语》等多项国家标准的制定工作。主持参与国际合作、北京市教委及横向科研十余项
